29 December 2011

Day 3 - Duck Farm

In Erlin, south of Taichung and in the Chang Hua county, we visited a family that raises ducks for business.

A mother and her younger son tell us all their secrets of the duck raising business.
 Some grapes are grown for wine making:
 Ducks, couple of thousands of them:
 A real secret was revealed to us. They are not making any money from ducks. They have four giant ponds, two with ducks and two with seashells. Seashells are using ducks' droppings as food and are a real money source for the family.
 One unwanted visitor, who likes ducks and their eggs:
 There are even some fish in the ponds:
What is interesting is that fish were not introduced by the family but by local birds who would drop small fish picked from somewhere else at the ponds and a few months later would come back to fish much bigger fish!
 Onion fields:
 Cute ducklings:
A funny sign on a visitor centre on our way to Ali-Shan:

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