30 December 2011

Day 10 - Yangminshan

Yangminshan ( 陽明山) is the mountain next to or at the edge of Taipei. It is famous for its cherry blossoms, hot springs, sulfur deposits, fumaroles, venomous snakes and hiking trails. It is an extinct volcano and has been inactive for the last 10,000 years but in some parts you can still see smoke coming out of the ground, there are hot rocks on the surface and you can smell H2S gas (rotten eggs) in some places.
We left Taoyuan around 11am

and arrived to Yangminshan around noon, just in time for a delicious lunch:

 Then we started trekking:
 Terrain is easy in the beginning

 Who would say that this volcano has been inactive for the last 10,000 years.

 George is taking photos of wild life:
 The trail is not difficult at all but it is July and a hot and humid day:

 This is the highest peak in Yangminshan:
 A dried lake. In any other time of the year, you would find water in the lake:

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