31 December 2011

Day 11 - Nantou County

Nantou County (南投縣) is famous for its Sun Moon Lake and a mountain named Hehuanshan and the Sitou Forest Recreation Area.
This time, I visited some other parts of Nantou.
Firstly, on our way to Nantou, we visited Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, which is located in Miaoli County.
It is the only wood sculpture museum in Taiwan and this part of Taiwan is famous for wood carving. Imagination of artists is incredible but unfortunately photography is not allowed in the museum.

This was the only photo that I managed to take inside the museum:
Next, we went to see the place that was the epicentre of the earthquake that hit Taiwan on 21 September 1999.
We also visited the famous Slanted House in Guosing's Jioufener Mountain 921 Earthquake Memorial Park.
From the sign post:
'Slanted House
After the 921 earthquake, this house did not collapse. Instead it became slanted, dipping westward. When entering the house, you can feel a very strong gravitational attraction, making it very difficult to stand right-up. One hypothesis for this phenomenon is that this house is located on top of the epicentre and thus the magnetic field in this area is distorted. Hence, when entering the house, you will feel a strong influence of magnetic field as your body aligns with orientation of magnetic lines of forces, and it makes you feel dizzy or unbalanced.'
Also, the brick walls are magnetic and you can test that with coins.

We then visited the epicentre of the earthquake with some changed topography:

The red roof on top of the hill used to be here where the photo was taken but the earthquake and the land slide moved it a hundred meters away.
The man in the middle of the road was the owner of the house whose roof we saw on the previous photo. He explained to us what had happened and how lucky he was not to have been at home on that day. Many of his neighbours died.

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